One of my friends has had to recruit a number of junior level staff in the past few months and the types of demands she has been getting are something of an eye opener. If you want to get rich marketing in professional services firms is not going to make you super rich but they're nothing to be sniffed at either. As companies are now on the up following the recession many are having to stump up more and more dough to keep people or inflated job titles so that people stay put just that little bit longer.
Lots of people with very little marketing experience (under 3 years) are now so delusional that they think they should command salaries in the mid 30's+ range. Not being funny but for a junior marketing role where the buck ultimately won't stop with them that is just plain greedy. What is the world coming too? I guess some people nowadays have inflated egos and have lost sight of reality - something I think applies to lots of aspects of life not just salaries.
With my job hunt the salary debate has been interesting. I am happy to drop a few k for the right role but some agents have wanted to me to drop almost £10k which would set me back years in terms of clawing my way back to where I was. Others have said things like the salary bracket has a 10K variation and if the client offers towards the lower end you would have to take it - never heard such a ridiculous statement in my life. The interview process is a bit like dating - a two way thing including the negotiation part. Come to think of it if I see dating like that maybe that's why I'm always the single one :).
Anyway, take a look at some of the salary surveys to get a view on what is going on out there. Most of the recruiters do an annual thing each year namely as a way to have more evidence in order to turn up the heat so that people get more and more money and they get more and more commission.