Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The Highs and the Lows of Work

Sadly money doesn't grow on trees 
Well, I've rejoined the world of work for a month now so time for that all important one month reflection. Or just another excuse for me to make another list.

Plus points

Payday - Woo hoo my first pay day is on Friday.  My bank account won't know what's hit it - eight months of a pay cheque drought has left it feeling a tad thirsty.

Company - Boy I've missed office banter, after work drinks in the pub and just being able to interact with people during the day.

Eye Candy - Always had a penchant for a geek so heading back into the world of engineering is a chance for me to indulge in my obsession.  New men to ogle now and then when the report I am writing starts to get a tad boring.

Halting My Brain Drain - Job hunting is not the most mentally stimulating thing to do.  So it's good to be in a role where my brain is being used and in some cases stretched. I do love problem solving so having to do research and figure things out is getting my old brain cells working.

The Not So Plus Points
Daytime exercise - The gym during the day (aside from lunchtime) is a much more serene place.  The musclebound meatheads who measure their biceps are still about but at least you can get to the weights machine.  Plus the tennis courts are more or less empty so no stray balls and you can just turn up and play.

Being able to do anything when ya want - Have to admit the freedom of not having to work 9 -5 will be missed.  Fancy watching a movie, get a call to do something straight away, watching car crash daytime tv - the Real Housewives of Orange County Season 6 how I miss thee; all things that you can factor in when out of work. When I go full time in the coming weeks I will certainly miss this last minute freedom as days off will have to be taken as holiday.

Enthusiastic Grads - I so need to get back into a state where enthusiastic puppies/grads and their overinflated sense of experience and knowledge roll off me like Teflon.  Why oh why does every little thing have to be debated to the nth degree.  I blame the recession for wiping out middle management and giving the puppies way too much business exposure.

Anyway, apart from a few minor niggles actually being in a position where I earn money is great. I'm on a 6 month contract but in these challenging times that certainly is not something to be sniffed at.

Friday, 19 August 2011

The Economic Storm Clouds Are Gathering

So unemployment is up. Stock markets are still continuing to freefall and the economy overall is flat lining.  It really is not good news for the UK. Our confidence is at such a low ebb that it is quite frankly scary.

Reading the various unemployment reports on the BBC, it's woman and young people that are making up the brunt of the rises.   Government cuts are necessary but services that are designed to help people get back into work, support them to set up on their own and help to guide young people along the right career path are too essential to cut.

Regular readers of this blog know that I am not the biggest supporter of the job centre as it is merely a box ticking exercise designed to make people jump through hoops for just shy of £60 a week.  I'm not that disillusioned to think that all those out of work actually want to get back into work but for those that will proper support is a must.  The types of things that would work would be:
  • How to write a killer CV
  • How to look for a job (online and using your own networks)
  • Who are you - looking at your skills, strengths and where you wanna be - always think that this self analysis stuff is so easily overlooked
  • Shoe shopping - ok this one is pure vanity as I like a nice pair of shoes but appearance and feeling confident all helps and acts as bodyarmour when you are about embark on the interview 'battle'
  • Interview skills and how to prep for them properly
The volatility of the global markets could well plunge us back into recession which would be a scary prospect.  This would result in even more people heading towards the dole queue so the Government needs to make sure that the right support is out there so that people aren't left to fester, become despondent and ultimately unemployable in the longer term. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

London On Lockdown - Riots and mindless vandalism

One of the most defining images of the past week
London has gone into lockdown mode. As a Londoner born and bred the last few days in the city that I call home have been very very depressing indeed.  Never in a month of Sundays would I have believed that riots would have engulfed the city and now even start spreading like pockets of wildfire across the country.

The rioters who have run amok across our city do not have just cause or reason for what they have done.  Most of them have no idea who Mark Duggan is so there is no excuse for what can only be termed as blatant vandalism and looting.  A generation of people thinking that the world owes them something for nothing have now taken this mantle to a ridiculous level.

 "We're looting cos we've got no money" - then why not do what everyone else does get an education then get a job then work your way up the ladder from the bottom.  Only a lucky few walk in on high level salaries and the vast majority of people have to work blinking hard to make it in life.

"We're going against the corporates and the police" - what bollocks. You are only targeting electrical stores, supermarkets and sports apparel shops, e.g. stores with things that you and your peers want, spanning from booze to ipods and the latest trainers. That is not about justice or teaching anyone a lesson, it's blatant stealing. If you're so against corporates you'd abandon brands altogether and return back to a more simple way of life living off the land.

"We work hard and we pay too much in tax" - Really?!  Not sure that a) most of you are actually old enough to work b) of those that are I have a feeling that many of you may be part of the serial unemployed who I had to mingle with each week for the past few months in the jobcentre. e.g. you don't actually want to work as benefits, petty crime and housing benefit is what your life is about - you have no interest in working. Don't kid yourself or us that you do.

"We're getting back at the bankers" - Crap, the past week has seen one of the biggest drops in global stock markets but this colossal news that may ultimately impact on every single one of us is not being given the prominence that it deserves due to the blatant thuggery that is presiding in our streets. The Government should really be working on our economic recovery not  figuring out how to bring calm to our streets. Hopefully this necessary diversion will not impact on our economy too much.

"We're just bored - it's those Government cuts" - Life is what you make it so this reason also doesn't resonate with me.  Read a book from the library, play in the park, see friends - those were the types of things that I did as a child as we didn't have much money.

It's been weird and lots of us just do not feel safe.  Flooding London with 16000 policeman is not sustainable in the long term so lord knows what the solution to this will be.  I completely believe that those who have looted should be held to account  for their actions.  Burning down businesses, homes and putting fear into local communities really does stick two fingers up at society so we should do the same to them. We must fight back against this type of intolerable behaviour.

Parents need to step up and be parents.  7 year olds should be tucked up in bed not out looting at 3am in the morning. Young people should have respect for law and order and understand that no one is entitled to the best trainers, the best clothes etc.  You work hard and then you earn the right to play hard. Simple as.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Got One - The Wonders of Rejoining The World of Work

"Woo hoo" in true Vicky from Realhousewives style
Well, having gone through lots and lots of interviews has finally paid off.  Overqualified, under qualified, not the right fit, having the wrong shaped head etc!; I have finally got a job.

Being selective has worked and I've nabbed a role in the construction sector; no mean feat in this current downturn. My role is starting of part time and will be reviewed at the end of August, this suits me fine as I can gently ease myself back into work and still have time to sort out the heaps of stuff that needs sorting with dad's estate.

I started last week and it does have to be said that I had forgotten the horror of rush hour.   Hot, sweaty cattle trucks, that's the Northern line to me.  Think my plan will be to leave half an hour earlier and hopefully this will be a more pleasant journey.

The other thing that I have had to get used to is focusing my mind for a whole working day.  My days of afternoon naps will now be a rarity and watching "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and season six starts this Wednesday.