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Speaking to my bosses they started to use the term Gen Y to describe our grad intake so today I took a look at some recent blog articles about this very topic. The Wall Street Journal and CNN really stoked my imagination. So many of the attributes that they describe are so true. Parents always saying that you're fantastic and never saying no, constant need for recognition, constant requirement for immediate responses and a type of entitlement not based on their abilities but on being in a spot for a certain period of time.
Volunteering just to be seen
In part it's part of being young and being so competitive that they actually want to volunteer for things that in no way suit their individual strengths and will ultimately stress them out. Why? Just to be seen by the big boss in the hope that it will get them noticed and promoted. It's my job to point out that this doesn't make sense - what ever happened to doing a good job and getting on with it. The constant oneupmanship is draining and not healthy for any of those concerned.
Having to rapidly progress up the ranks
I guess I am not the best advert for rising the ranks in companies. I've moved around a lot, I've taken jobs without the title but fantastic development opportunities that have made me a much stronger marketer. I like having fun and working with people that I like. Oh and I like to voice my opinions to people at all levels regardless so me working in an environment where people expect to be revered is never going to work for me. Anyway, back to Gen Y, they believe as long as they have worked somewhere for x years they deserve to progress through the ranks.
It's about time spent not being an good to get promoted
Excelling at your job is not even a factor is just their right! That is the kind of attitude that makes me slightly crazy work hard, develop an amazing set of skills then rise up the ranks. Society is in danger that in a few years there will be a generation of managers who can't manage a piss up in a brewery. When the shit really does hit the fan they will cower in the corner, fire off shots in all directions to save their own butts and not have a clue about how to fix things - that is what happens when someone is out of their depth.
Admin is beneath me
Anything that isn't strategic but actually is important to the business is seen as being beneath them. They want to write the strategy and be there sharing their vast knowledge and experience not doing any admin tasks that actually underpin any business. Get over yourselves and get on with it, we've all been there and to be honest when it needs doing even senior level people do it.
I'm Getting Old!
God I'm actually starting to sound like some veteran but having worked in a variety of places I do get how companies work and how to sort things out. Most of the grads I am taking to do not appreciate this apart from an enlightened few where I tell to get amongst it and get experience and not to rush up that ladder too fast plus you always need to make time for fun. Anyway, I will continue this topic over the coming weeks as it's fascinating but feel free to share your views.