A blog about my epic search to find that next role. Job centres, networking, courses and online capers - all things that I will no doubt encounter in the coming weeks of my search.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Goodbye 2009, Bring on 2010
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Is There Any Such Thing As A Dream Job?
In the pub last night, was talking to one of my friends about whether there is anything such as a dream job. You know that thing that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, all bright eyed and bushy tailed.
There must be people out there who have found their calling and are so enthused by what they do but I have a feeling the true figure may be rather low. I've enjoyed aspects of all the jobs that I have done but in truth most of the things I have enjoyed about work have been connected with the people I work with as opposed to the job itself.
In my current job, I am enjoying the team that I am part of but it has to be said that I am kind of doing lots of things that I've done in the past so is it riveting enough that I just want to leap out of bed in the morning to get to work - not quite but at least I am enjoying it. One of the cool things about having a 6 month contract is that I can start exploring and trying to get my dream job and make it happen.
Then I got to thinking about one of the best marketing campaigns ever - Queensland Tourism's best job in the world. So simple but pure genius. The job only lasts a year but the knock on benefits from such a simple idea are immeasurable. The idea of being stuck on a beautiful island does sound kind of appealing come to think of it maybe I'll apply next year although I'm not too keen on water so that could hinder my chances of success.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Sell Sell Sell
Woo hoo - had a meeting with my boss the other day and everyone is pleased with my work and have offered me a 6 month contract. I said yes as the job is nice and it's nice to have a bit more security.
Not sure precisely the role that I was looking for but it makes use of my built environment industry knowledge and is working for a charity so that's all good.
Was funny that the offer came out of the blue as I had just had a 2nd interview for a job that I went for when I just got back in July. It was a business development job for a real estate company - I had to give a presentation about the how I've successfully helped deliver bids and how I added value. I did my usual in depth preparation -2 days before had a quick think about the structure. Chatted it through with my fella then wrote it the next day. For a change I didn't practice and just talked it through.
The 2nd interview was good. I felt very relaxed - I guess as that was interview number 8 I was getting more confident about talking about myself. I answered their questions and asked insightful questions about their business and how things are going in the current climate. I nodded in the right place, ooh and how I laughed in just the right places.
Anyway, a week later I found out that I didn't get the job. Basically I was neck and neck with another candidate and if there were 2 jobs I would have been taken on. Not sure if that is a positive things or feels a bit like salt being rubbed into the wounds. In the end the decision boiled down to me being quite relaxed and not selling myself as much as I could. I have had this criticism before so it came as no surprise. I work hard and am very conscientious but I guess I don't always acknowledge that being one of those people who goes over and above to get things done is a big deal.
So from here on in I will sell myself more (not in rude way obviously :)).
- Sell Sell Sell
Monday, 28 September 2009
The perm hunt

- Heaven
My role is interim and although my company will be advertising for a permanent person I still am keeping all avenues open and on the hunt for a perm role. I guess it's the nearest I can get to security in these challenging times but it would help to make me feel a tad more secure.
A past interviewer has got in touch to say that they would like to see me again for a perm role so that's good. Also been looking at different roles in charity fundraising as that's my dream job. Had been a bit unmotivated in terms of looking for a perm role once I'd secured something interim but then I went to an event last week about how to find a job in charities which inspired me to keep on going for the completely right role.
I now have a new mini job plan, have joined the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and set myself a networking events diary - so bring it on!
Monday, 7 September 2009
Got One!
The job came through a friend who was approached about the role as a Comms Manager but she wasn't in a position to go for it so it sent it to me. See it does pay to head out for a lunchtime burrito with friends. Is it me or in the past year has London turned in Mexican central - no bad thing in my eyes though. Can never go wrong with meat, cheese and tomatoes.
My interview was on a Friday and I started the following Tuesday. The weirdest thing is that 50% of my time will be spent based at the offices of my old employer. This part slightly messed with my head but at least I can hang out in my old stomping ground and hang out with my mates, yay. I do like to head out and party.
The whole concept of returning to work has been a bit strange especially having to focus my head and produce things. But hey, won't take long to get back into the swing of this work thang!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
The Waiting Game!
Cutting to the chase I am waiting to hear back from 2 interviews (yes I have chased) and feedback from a role I didn't get. So come on recruiters have some balls and start making those all important calls. Don't they know that the economy is on the way up (some survey said so at the beginning of the work so don't shoot the messenger - I don't believe it either).
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Happy Holidays
Altho there is a silver lining - some recruitment agents seem to be getting more roles in. I am being put forward for loads at the moment. No feedback on the ones that are a 'no' but at least my CV is out there. One of them has come good though and my next interview is on Monday being a BD exec for a project management company. Lots of swotting up this weekend and then I will be ready to rock n' roll.
Friday, 7 August 2009
The End of Week 8
Week 8 has been ok. Had 1 interview for a fundraising and events role - the results will be out in a weeks time so fingers and toes crossed as it's a cool job.
Had quite a few calls from recruitment agents with roles mainly in the BD arena but I do have a targeted CV for that so fingers crossed. Things do seem to be picking up for certain good agents - others are still deathly silent.
Done quite a few direct applications too although I am starting to get a bit punch drunk and am starting to get extremely tired of talking about me.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Being Mute Has Its Benefits!
Anyway, I selected 2 comms roles off the jobpoint machine and took my printouts to the signing on man. This time he wasn't chatty at all. In fact he was mute - maybe he had swine flu or maybe he had decided to channel his efforts into following his dream to be a mime artist. He literally said nothing to me, pointed so that I sat down, tapped a few bits and bobs rather slowly onto his PC (he ain't no touch typist that's for sure). Then he highlighted where I had to sign and nodded his head to signal my exit.
The silent treatment was kind of unnerving - maybe he was just trying to not waste his breath anymore on the 'tainted unemployed'.
Friday, 31 July 2009
The Job Seeking Highs And Lows
That's all well and good but there are certainly times when I just miss working. I was always a bit of a workaholic - you know I would always aim to get all that I needed to do done on time no matter what. Getting up and having somewhere to go and something to do each day and the social interaction with colleagues.
Oh and having a nice pay check drop into your account each month - would also be good. Would certainly help out the old finances and mean that I don't have to delve into my savings.
I think the most significant impact of being redundant is when you start to question your own self worth. Maybe there is something not right with me as I'm not securing that all important job. Will my luck ever change? Maybe I am on the scrapheap at 32.
Luckily days like these are few and far between at the 'mo. Should the job hunt thing go on - I fear they will become a bit more frequent.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Stats The Way It Is!
Anyway, I was having a nice chat with the man who was signing off my form today. Turns out that whenever I sign in not only do I have to complete my form saying how I have applied for 3 jobs in 2 weeks (I can do more than that in a mere few hours but that's by the by). Anyway, it now turns out that when I go to sign in I must select 2 jobs from their job search points (basically an online job vacancy database that is so general that it has hardly any marketing roles let alone B2B ones so something that could be construed as rather pointless). I said this to the nice man that 'what's the point if I've applied for lots of jobs through other means'. He said that's what we've been instructed to do by the minister in charge.
So now I will have to go in earlier, scan through a pile of rubbish totally unsuitable jobs, select 2 and print off a slip of paper with them on. Another hurdle to go through and guess what if I don't do it - they'll stop my benefits. That will then mean that I will no longer be one of those unfortunate unemployment statistics and make Mr minister look better and hopefully stay in power for a few moments longer. Using stupid pointless exercises to try and cut the staggering rise in unemployed people seems rather ridiculous to me. Why doesn't Mr minister concentrate on sorting out the economy, providing jobs and proper support to those looking for work. That would be far more beneficial. There is no hiding from the fact that unemployment is spiralling month upon month even if they try and make so many ridiculous demands to try and encourage people to sign off from their books.
The nice man in the jobcentre agreed with my point and said that they had repeatedly stated that the hoop jumping exercises were pointless to the powers that be. Anyway, as I have time on my hands I might just start complaining to Mr Minister - nothing like a good rant.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Psychometric Testing Sucks
Aarrggghhh, the verbal reasoning online test I just sat was OK or at least I completed it within the time limit and could see where it was coming from. The mathematical one was a 'mare. My mind could not compute what they were after even with my speedy expert texting fingers making smoke on my calculator. My brain could not decipher those numbers at the necessary speed. 2 mins left and I still had a 3rd of the test left. Needless to say I guessed the last load of questions. Maybe this is the strategy I should have used throughout and may have been more successful. Who knows - I will be awaiting to see if I make it forward to the next hoop jumping part of this job process. But maybe I will be cast aside due to new found mathematical incompetence and verbal reasoning illiteracy! :)
Who cares quite frankly - not really fussed by this job it does have to be said.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Networking, Networking, Networking
I am a bit of a strange character of sorts and at times can be a demon networker and others be a shrinking violet in the corner who just wants to go home. All these observations were confirmed by psychometric testing in the past year - I have a personality of extremes and not one typical for a marketer.
Anyway, I digress yet again. In terms of networking I've been focusing on 2 things - attending things connected with fundraising which I ideally want to move into. The other is the online networking side of things.
In terms of face to face networking I tend to give myself a goal each time or else I'd just skulk away with nothing. It normally comprises talking to x amount of people or asking a question etc. Nothing drastic but at least something. I am building up a nice little network of friends so it is working. Plus some of them even email me links to jobs that they hear of which is fab.
I did do a very funny thing though - please bear in mind that one of my nicknames is 'blond'. Kind of apt apart from the fact that I am very dark all over including my general skin tone. I was at a networking thing and was explaining what I'd been up to that day. I managed to say that "I'd been running in the woods under a canape so I hadn't got caught in the rain". It was one of those where I heard what I'd said and started to laugh as did they. At least now I'll always be remembered as the canape girl.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Interviews - now just where is that hoop!
Hhhmm, interview number one was the job that I wanted. It was a role in fundraising for a university. Of course there were many hoops to jump through. A 20 mins written test, a 10 min presentation (about developing a fundraising strategy), followed by a 3 panel interview. OK, that was a pretty intense process for someone who hasn't worked since the beginning of April. I was shattered once it was done but also somewhat elated. Anyway, I thought I performed well but what do I know? Needless to say I had the thanks but no thanks email waiting for me by lunchtime the next day.
Interview number 2 almost got off to a bad start. I was running late or at least I thought I was. Turns out the recruitment agent gave me the wrong time - half an hour too soon. So the fact that I rang the interviewer to apologise for running late was news to him. Turns out my mad dash from the tube to get there was unnecessary. I didn't need to work up a thin layer of sweat after all! Ho hum, the interview went fine. The upshot is the role is busy and technically I would be selling my soul to the devil. I would have no life but earn lots. One to ponder - that is if they want me in the 1st place.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Are Interviews Like Buses?
The main bummer is that the said interviews are back to back. I ideally wanted a bit more of a gap so that I can prepare for them but that just isn't going to happen.
The fundraising role is precisely what I want to do but it is located 1hr 40 mins away from where I live so moving would have to be part of the deal. Moving is no bigger really as I can still get into London pretty easily.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Recruitment agents - friend or foe?
Having just completed week 3 of my hunt for work, I have seen more recruitment agents than you can shake a stick at. Looking for potential roles in marketing role (where I have traditionally worked) and ones in charity fundraising (a potential career I would like to move into) - I have 2 CV's. This means that I have to post applications to 2 sets of recruitment agents.
Not being wet behind the ears, I fully appreciate that agents ultimately need strong candidates to field to their employers and they earn lots of dosh for placing you in the process.
What I have learnt about recruiters?
Just because they call you in all excited to "come in for a chat", it doesn't actually mean that they have a potential role for you.
A few have actually interviewed me and then said "we have no roles for you. However, can you name your old employers competitors and then I can approach them on your behalf?". This line has happened quite a few times and worries me immensely as follows:
- As a specialist recruiter in professional services I would expect you to know my previous firms competitors - esp as they were a large well established firm.
- If you don't know that part of the market, you obviously would not have firmly established contacts in that firm. Where exactly would you be adding value to my job search? I am happy for them to approach competitors where they do have established relationships though as it may be beneficial. But I do object to them wanting to use my CV as a way to get their foot into new potential hirers. This smacks of them being desperate for new jobs and using any means they deem necessary to find new contacts in a fiercely competitive market place.
- As a seasoned marketer I would hope that I had the skills and capabilities to approach the immediate competitor firms directly, if it's something that I want to explore.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Are Job centres the most depressing place on earth?
It's been 2 full weeks since I have been officially looking for a job. One thing for sure is that it is a lot harder than it seems. There are still jobs out there but competition is fierce and it really is a case of having to put the hours in.
The last time I had the pleasure of signing on was 8 years ago when I was a young fresh faced marketing grad looking for her first proper job. It would have been nice to say that in those 8 intermittent years that our job centre service had grown and continuously developed but that would be lying. What we have, in the main, is a creaking system that is quite frankly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people now looking for work and a series of people who are just there to tick boxes. My first time of signing on was on Weds and I obviously didn't know what to do. Was there anyone to help me - oh no. So I ended up standing around like a lemon for quite some time until the man behind the desk told me that I was supposed to put my signing on book onto his desk.
In the end I waited around for half an hour to be seen. The man behind the desk had been quite rude to most people prior to me but when I got there he began to flirt with me. I was slightly taken aback, "where's your name from?" - he enquired. He even made a joke about the date being 2010 then called me "sharp" when I said "I think you mean it's 2009!". Anyway, I signed and left as soon as I could. Till next time.