Monday 19 December 2011

The Politics of Work

Why is the world of work sullied so much by politics? It's not just a case of doing a great job.  It's being seen to be doing a great job by the right people. If you don't shout and catch the attention of the right people your days may be numbered.

Being out of the work scene for half of this year I had forgotten about the games that you need to play in order to succeed.  Personally I think it's all a load of bull and why can't people appreciate what others do?  Is it that the world  of work has been sullied by the recession so everyone is fighting for their jobs, position and status. Actually, where I work is undergoing a major restructure so senior level people are jostling for position and one of the easiest ways to position yourself seems to be to stick the boot into marketing.  What do you do all day?  How come you can't do more? What are you doing for me?  There seems to be a never-ending list of what can be achieved by a very small, transient (most on 6 mth contracts if that) and in the main junior team.

Anyway, it's been a crazy few weeks where the real bones of the firm are starting to reveal themselves to me.  Now that my rose tinted glasses are starting to fade a tad, it's becoming apparent that actually where I work is not really any different to all of the other large firms that I have worked for.  People at the top who don't necessarily know what they are doing but are born sales people who use their silver tongued prowess to always come out on top.  To be honest if that is what the senior echelons of management are, I am not entirely convinced that it is for me.  I like delivering projects and getting on with delivering projects.

All I can do is take the next few months as they come and keep an open mind for whatever roles may appear on the horizon.

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