Friday 5 August 2011

Got One - The Wonders of Rejoining The World of Work

"Woo hoo" in true Vicky from Realhousewives style
Well, having gone through lots and lots of interviews has finally paid off.  Overqualified, under qualified, not the right fit, having the wrong shaped head etc!; I have finally got a job.

Being selective has worked and I've nabbed a role in the construction sector; no mean feat in this current downturn. My role is starting of part time and will be reviewed at the end of August, this suits me fine as I can gently ease myself back into work and still have time to sort out the heaps of stuff that needs sorting with dad's estate.

I started last week and it does have to be said that I had forgotten the horror of rush hour.   Hot, sweaty cattle trucks, that's the Northern line to me.  Think my plan will be to leave half an hour earlier and hopefully this will be a more pleasant journey.

The other thing that I have had to get used to is focusing my mind for a whole working day.  My days of afternoon naps will now be a rarity and watching "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and season six starts this Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. We don't talk about the 'O' word ("overqualified") because if I had a quid for every time I've been told I'm "overqualified", I could live off the rejections...

    But congrats!!!!! And I hope they extend your contract into the autumn and beyond.
